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Barcelona and the rest of Catalonia back to normal!

RTA Group DMC Spain informing:
Barcelona and the rest of Catalonia back to normal!
We all have seen press and TV news about Barcelona street demonstrations and police actions on  Sunday, which probably have caused some worries in view of groups booked or planned for this city. Fortunately  our state of information allow us to guarantee that these news are very short termed and the next days day by day life and tourist activities in Barcelona will be as always. Other news will fill the medium.
The dispute between the Regional Government of Catalonia  and the Spanish Government in Madrid will most probably continue on political level for months or years, but both sides are extremely interested to avoid problems for tourism and economy in general . Both Barcelona and Madrid responsables have had their show-down and now they need to get back to BUSINESS AS USUAL. Spanish economic dates continue to be very positive, Madrid Stock Exchange has only had a very slight loss this Monday and there is no sign of cancellation of tourism and business travel to Spain.
Here at R.T.A. we can confirm that the important group and event movements from our European and American clientele which are in our books or are in the state of planning have not suffered cancellations.
So, please continue to think in business for Barcelona as always,  as we said,  we are back to normal!
RTA Group DMC Spain
Maria-Grazia Dotti


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