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Valencia open to the world with new Flight Routes

Valencia City on the east coast of Spain is a highly attractive location for incentives, meetings and congresses as well as leisure tourism.

Known for its excellent climate, the unmatched mix of both emblematic historical and impressive modern architecture as well as its reputation for being a vivid city of artists and creative minds has always made Valencia and destination worth visiting. On top of that Valencia has highly improved its infrastructure for hosting MICEs in the recent years and became an insider tip in Spain. Only the persistent repute of not being conveniently connected by flights has made Valencia struggle to rise as a star among the MICE destinations in Spain. This last barrier has fallen in the recent years and the connectivity will be further improved in 2015, making Valencia not only a great location but also great destination.

The breakdown of the numbers of arrivals to Valencia airport accumulated until September reveals that international arrivals represent 70% of the total, reaching more than 1,250,000. A rise of 2% compared to the previous year. The data demonstrates again the commitment of airlines towards Valencia. While in 2005 the airport had 29 direct connections per week in summer and 27 in winter, it now has about 50 in summer and 30 in winter. This increases the attractiveness of the city as a meeting destination for multinationals. Skoda for example recently has gathered 4,600 people in Valencia from all over the world. Stated by its president, Valencia was chosen for the climate and the «excellent» flight connections.

Last week two airlines have announced new products for next year. Lufthansa, which last March introduced daily flights to Frankfurt, just announced that it will include a second daily flight in March 2015. This connection is highly important, because it connects the city with one of the major European airport hubs and thus establishing and convenient air connection with New York, Chicago, Beijing and Shanghai. Furthermore, for the same date, the airline Germanwings has also announced a new connection. Stuttgart and Valencia will be connected by four flights per week.

These excellent news are a result of the city’s highly successful promotional program FLY Valencia, which promotes the connectivity of Valencia. In recent years the program has already helped to establish superb flight connections to Moscow and Istanbul.

For this work Turismo Valencia has received this year’s Routes Europe Award for best tourism promotion agency and is a finalist in the World Routes Awards for two events that bring together leading representatives of airlines and airports worldwide. Next week the Foundation will participate in the Aviation Partnership Summit in Madrid, showing its working model again to industry executives.

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